Saturday, 29 January 2011

New dog, new tricks

We started looking seriously for a new dog at the end of November. Benji was such an important presence. It took a while to adjust to him not being around, to grieve for him, and then to come to terms with our desire for a new pack member. I ran hot and cold. Some days I was yearning for a dog to walk with, to share space with. Then there were other days when I relished the lack of complication and responsibility and the resulting freedom to be spontaneous. Deep down I knew what I really wanted, which is why I had a dogsblog tab permanently open on  my browser. 

A week ago I was on a train back from London when my wife sent me a text. She'd spotted this beautiful boy, Dash, and had phoned the RSPCA and arranged for us to meet him. We met him Saturday, brought him home Thursday and the photograph above was taken on our first walk on the meadows.

I'm not a superstitious person but I find something appealing about the idea of good omens, so it was fantastic on that first walk when I spotted a kingfisher on the brook. We see it occasionally and it always feels special, a real privilege, to see that flash of colour. Vivid, iridescent, electric, in flight it is one of the most beautiful and uplifting things I've ever witnessed and I never tire of seeing it.

Dash is a classic Border Collie. He runs and runs, loves chasing and retrieving balls and has a lovely nature. Our pack feels restored and revitalised. Benji is still in my thoughts and I find myself wondering how the two of them would have got on as I watch Dash dozing. He's just looked up as if to ask what I'm writing, and it feels so good to have him here. 

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